Aimed at professional services firms, the webinar promises to "provide you with ideas, examples, and a plan of action for immediately putting these technologies [Web 2.0 & Social Media] to work to attract new clients."
I've been using social networking tools, such as LinkedIn for a number of years now. Back in January 2007 I posted "Is 2007 the year for Business Social Networking sites?"... maybe I was a year early :-)
Certainly social media marketing is getting more and more attention. Recently, I noticed that this year's adtech conference in London is being sponsored by Xing.
For me, LinkedIn remains the key social networking site for any professional service firm; I use it daily.
If you want to know how to use social media, and LinkedIn in particular, to develop new business, read this post on LinkedIn's own blog "From startup mode to being acquired by Yahoo! - The MyBlogLog story". Here's an interesting quote from the post:
"It occurred to me how they did what they did, and I reached out to Eric via LinkedIn - we had Sean Bonner of metro blogging in common. I called him up; he got Todd on the phone"The key phrase for me is "I called him up; he got Todd on the phone".
You see, social media has changed the game, but it doesn't mean the old rules don't apply.
Sites like LinkedIn help you make a more intelligent approach. You can understand whether your proposition will be of interest before you contact them. This means that you can phrase your message so it doesn't appear as spam or just another cold call. And, where relevant, you can reference other people that you both know.
Essentially, you can warm up a cold call.
Labels: marketing, new business development, social media, social networking sites
Linkedin is indeed the perfect warm up a cold call tool. Nothing comes close not even twitter..Both used together though are dynamite!
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